Ceiling Textures

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Drywall ceilings are typically finished with a sprayed on texture. Below are samples of the most common types of texture used.


Acoustic  - Our standard spray texture is “Fine”.  This texture is sprayed on the ceiling and is a finished surface that does not need to be painted.


Orange Peel - This texture is created by using taping mud that is thinned out and sprayed on any surface (usually ceilings).  It has a fairly consistent look with small ¼” spots of mud.  This texture needs to be painted after it is applied.


Knock Down - Created with taping mud thinned and sprayed on both walls and ceilings as desired using a hopper.  The blobs of mud that are sprayed on to the surface are allowed to dry for a period of time and then knocked down with a texture blade to create a larger dragged textured look.  This texture is inconsistent with some large spots and small spots. This texture will need to be painted after it is applied.